About Me

About Jaime

Freelance Editor

I believe people prefer having a personal relationship with the people they hire, particularly for something as intimate and special as editing their book babies. So this is where I tell you way too much about myself and hope you see how fabulous I am and choose to work with me.

Looking back, I can pinpoint the precise moment when reading evolved from something I was required to do for school to something I wanted to do in every spare moment of my time. I was ten years old and stuck at home with my mom. She wanted to read and relax, and I kept nagging her to entertain me. Growing exasperated, she threw a book at me and told me to go read. The book was Honest Illusions by Nora Roberts. Not the most appropriate book for a 10-year-old, but I. Was. Hooked.

Thanks to Nora Roberts (and my mom), I became a book-devouring monster. I would cancel plans with friends to stay home and read. I would carry books with me everywhere, in case I could find a spare moment or an empty corner in which to read. I found unparalleled joy inside the pages of every story I read. Yet never once did I consider I could make a career out of my passion for books. I didn’t want to write, I just wanted to read.

After several years of exploring a variety of careers, the idea of trying my hand at editing began to grow. There was no divine, profound moment, no earth-shattering event which led me down the path I find myself joyfully skipping along, but here I am, doing a job that fulfills me in a way nothing else ever has. I could not be happier.

Now on to the personal deets. My husband and I have been married for over a decade, and he is incredibly blessed to have me. Ha! I am every bit as blessed to have him in my life, not to mention his remarkable skills at my disposal, without which this website never would have happened.

We have two groovy human children, and two Pembroke Welsh Corgi fur babies who enjoy barking at me while I work and leaving tumbleweeds of hair along every surface of the house. We have a couple of reptiles and a few exceptionally boring fish. Our life is hectic and amazing and exhausting and hilarious.

If I’m not working, I will likely be found reading for pleasure. I’m not picky about genre, I dabble in them all. I read non-fiction, fantasy, dystopian, thrillers, young adult, magical realism, historical fiction, women's fiction, literary fiction... it probably would have been easier to list the genres I don't read, but I can't really think of any off the top of my head.

I also enjoy binge-watching TV shows, cooking (for people other than my obnoxiously picky children), painting, finding humor in the world around me, and traveling. The husband and I love taking the kids on cruises and also appreciate staying in tiny towns and exploring the hidden gems they have to offer.

So there ya go—the abridged life story of Jaime. I’m bizarre, obsessive, compassionate, deeply empathetic, and compulsively honest. If you’ve made it this far, you must think I’m pretty awesome. Go ahead and check out the rest of my website and send me a message once you’re done so we can start working together.