
Editing Services

All services are priced based on the needs of the project. Please contact me to receive a quote.

***All services include a personalized and comprehensive resource sheet to help you improve your craft***

Manuscript Evaluation

A manuscript evaluation is a comprehensive look at the manuscript, providing feedback on the following (where applicable):

  • Strengths and weaknesses within the story
  • Plot
  • Pacing
  • Character Development
  • Romantic Elements
  • Narrative Style
  • Use of tense (Past, past-perfect, present, etc.)
  • Identify overall areas for improvement

You will receive a 10–15 page editorial report and a personalized list of resources to help you improve your story. Manuscript Evaluation pricing is based on the word count of the manuscript and starts at $400. If you contact me to book additional editing services within 90 days of completing your Manuscript Evaluation, you will receive a 10% discount.

Craft Diagnostics

The ability to weave a compelling story makes a good storyteller; the ability to craft bewitching and engaging sentences makes a good writer. If you feel your story has all the elements it needs to be great but that your writing needs a helping hand, this is the service for you. We will read the manuscript in its entirety and provide you with a 10–15 page editorial letter which will include a comprehensive and personalized list of resources to help you improve your craft. You will also receive a line edit of 5,000 words so you can see an example of how to elevate your writing. Craft Diagnostics is priced based on the word count of the manuscript and starts at $250. If you contact me to book additional editing services within 90 days of completing your Craft Diagnostics service, you will receive a 10% discount.

Line Editing

You, as the author, have a unique take on the world, and so do your characters. Line editing is where we ensure that every chapter, every paragraph, and every sentence reflects your voice and your characters’ unique perspectives while maintaining a pleasing rhythm, flow, and cadence. Where appropriate, we will address pacing of individual scenes and suggest changes to improve clarity. A standalone line edit includes a cold read of the manuscript with story notes for you to address and one full round of editing focused on all the elements listed above. We will also provide an editorial letter with explanations for global changes and style preferences. Line editing starts at $25/1000 words.


A standalone copyedit includes a cold read of the manuscript and one full round of revisions addressing spelling, grammar, punctuation, word usage, accuracy, and consistency (of details like hair color and eye color, geography, timeline, name spelling, etc.). You will be provided with a short editorial letter and a style sheet detailing style preferences and issues addressed during the edit. Light copyedits (meaning a copyedit has already been completed by a professional editor and the author has a style sheet in hand) start at $12/1000 words. Full standalone copyedits start at $20/1000 words.

Line Edit + Copyedit Combo

This is by far our most popular service, and it includes all the elements of a line edit and a copyedit for a total of three distinct rounds (cold read with story notes, line edit round, and copyedit round). Pricing for Line Edit + Copyedit Combo starts at $33/1000 words. A final round to check for any lingering errors can be added to this combo for an additional $6 per 1000 words.

Substantive Editing

Do you know you have a manuscript that needs a lot of work but don’t know how to address all the issues? This is the editing service for you! Using your initial draft as my guide, I will execute any changes necessary to make the manuscript ready for copyedits. This service includes any or all of the following:

  • Suggestions and changes to fill plot holes
  • Sentence revision for flow and word choice
  • Theme development
  • Reworking overall structure
  • Language refinement
  • Smoothing transitions

Essentially, the story still belongs to you, the author, but through this highly collaborative process, I will complete the edits necessary to create the best version of your book while maintaining your voice. An independent professional copyedit is highly recommended following this service. Pricing starts at $50/1000 words.